Thursday, January 28, 2016

Feeling pretty

For those of you who follow on Instagram, you see pictures like this all the time and I refer to them as style spam. Well today I had no plans whatsoever of posting any style spam, or of taking any pictures like this. I had a full day of work planned, wasn't going anywhere, and didn't do (or wear) anything special. But, I looked in the mirror and liked what I saw. I'd wished I could capture the feeling right there, the one I had; the one I saw in the mirror.

It's difficult to write about it now. That moment is almost an eternity away, it was twelve hours ago. Twelve hours in a mom's life is so full of ups, downs, highs & lows. A regular day, an eternity long.

But immediately following the pretty feeling moment, I was inspired tremendously to write. I was going to post to Instagram and decided not to because the caption would be too long. That's when I decided that I needed to blog it.

I'm told somewhat regularly that I look like I... "have it together." Whenever told that I think, Hmph, well I certainly don't feel that way. But I say thank you. I think the key to looking like I have it together is that I'm comfortable. I've finally learned how dress and carry myself in a way that is true to how I feel & how I want others to interpret me; it's very casual, but with attention to detail. It might look like this:

  • a mom bun with a leather bow hair tie
  • earrings with sparkle
  • Sorel boots with a heel
  • jeans with bling detail
  • a pretty bracelet stack
  • a chunky cowl
  • a cup cozy to dress up my coffee
I mean, that's all just stuff. But it's joy in stuff and a reflection of who I am- comfy, cozy, pretty & casual. They're all little things, details, that are almost effortless to add to my day. The little effort they do take to add is worth everything. Without the effort I'm a lost soul; not "put together."

So, am I tricking myself and everyone else. This put together business. I feel like a mess a lot of the time. The small mentioned details being the velcro that holds my fragile sense of self together. Well, read it however you'd like. Someone told me to "fake it 'til you make it" once and I thought, why not?

Since then, I don't wear things I don't like, I don't eat if I'm not hungry, I don't talk if I don't have anything to say. I don't explain why I like what I like.

I dance when I like the song, I buy it if I love it, I sleep when I'm tired. I accept and value how I feel.

We don't have time for anything else. There's just enough time to make it, and no need to fake it.

We're all pretty. And we're all not. It's a feeling, and one that others recognize in us and believe- either way.

So today I looked in the mirror and felt pretty. I suppose I looked it, too. I liked what I wore. My expression was pleasant, but here's the deal...I feel pretty when:
  • I'm calm
  • I'm working at my desk and all I see are my hands and silk, my wedding band, the stack of rings with my kid's names on them, a sparkly druzy & pretty bracelets
  • I'm walking for coffee in boots with heels
  • I'm dancing with the kids
  • I'm snug in a cowl
  • my nails are cared for
  • in natural light
  • I'm sitting by the fire
  • my clothes fit well
  • Elle West smiles
  • True smiles 
  • Evley hugs me
  • I put on lip gloss
  • Gabe loves does that mean always?
I don't feel pretty when:
  • I yell
  • I'm hungry
  • I'm tired
  • I'm anxious 
  • I'm overwhelmed
  • I talk with nothing to say
So, to take care is to feel pretty. I felt that & recognized it today- if only for a moment, and then it passed. 

What makes you feel pretty? It's important to know and maybe you've never asked yourself. Comment below if you'd like to share :)

love, JL


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